I didn't remember that about German (studied it one semester back in the dark ages). Oh, wait, that the german language does that, or that German is an example of capitalizing?
I have the opposite tendency. It is a kind of push pull. I'm disinclined to capitalize a lot of words I was taught to. So I am capitalizationally bifurcated. Sometimes italy is Italy and sometimes not. I don't care, but on the other hand I try not to offend, say in the case of countries, a lot of people whose places they expect to see capitalized. My non capitalizing caution varies. I tend to say italians but call the country Italy. But not always.
This all started with the Catholics, which I used to be one of, distinguished from those who had catholic views, meaning something like universalist, not necessarily Catholic views. Then when I became not Catholic, I stopped with capitalizing it. Thus potentially adding confusion, depending on the context.
Sometimes capitalization seems useful though, clarifying within a sentence, so I go back and forth. Still, my instinct is not to.