Well the euro currency is a really 'sick bunny'. Even some German economists are talking about returning to the DMark in the vent of Greece being forced out of the Euro zone. The Euro was a mistake. It was created for political reasons, not good economic reasons. The only way the Euro could work is for the EU to ahve even closer politcal and economic ties. Of course this then make a mockery of what we have been told for years (lied to) - the the EU would NEVER become a 'Super State'. Oh Dear, this is just what those at the centre in Brussels and elsewhere really want to occur.
The Euro will fail eventually, and EU member states will go back to their old currencies. The EU worked well enough before the Euro was introduce, so there is NO reason why it could not work again with each member state using its own currency.
If the EU were to become a 'Superstate' in its own right, then the only way that the disparate member states could be held together, would be by a Euro Socilaistic/Marxist style Centrist government in Brussels, operating in a manner just like the old Soviet Union, with ALL the Instruments of State of oppression, prisons, secret police etc to make this work.
Well, that is what I think. Others may not agree.