Thu 5 Dec, 2002 06:33 pm
Last year, remember the hullaballu about the secret invention that would revolutionize the way that we travel? Well, it's here. For a bit less than $5,000- you can be the first on your block to have one. Not for Christmas- they are not debuting until March 2003:
Link to Segway Human Transporter
Is this something that you would want to get? Would you spend 5,000 bucks on it?
If you want it, here it is
Come and get it . . .
Oo-oo-oo-oo, make your mind up fast
If you want, any time, i can get it
But ya better hurry 'cause it may not last
Did i hear you say that there must be a catch
Will you walk away from a fool and his money . . .
I like the idea of the whole product, and I like the geeky commercial in geeky way, but let's get real, $5000? Git outta here!
I think they'd be fun, but not for $5k
Well... I've measured the fender. Does that count?
Setenta: Great answer.
No way, not for this human that feels he is still sensible. Can one just imagine a number of those things bumping into each other with novices on them, or drunks or plainly 'get out of my way' people? It would probably be a scream to see them in some shopping mall all sort of bobbing around -- at least I would get a good laugh, but trust my feet & if a bit longer then my bicycle or even longer yet then my m/c or cage.
I'd love to have one, but I am NOT paying 5 grand for one.
Special order at MSRP (don't even think about negotiating the price) for next spring, only through, as Phoe's link indicates.
Pass for now.
oh, phooey....
I can see how it could be cute and interesting and fun and all but, I really have no great need and/or use for one so
no...I would not spend 5K on it, and you know, I problably would take one if someone gave it to me only to turn around and sell it
Yikes, I will wait until I have so much money I do not know what to do with it, then I might get one.
Thanks but no thanks. I'm not looking for a replacement for walking (what a silly ad.) Walking with my dogs is a real joy for all of us. That would not make any of us happier or healthier. I'll take the $5000 for a deposit on a new car, and a couple of pairs of new shoes, and maybe new flexies for the dogs. but, a replacement for walking? never.
No offense but i'd be glas to have a replacement for walking, just not one that costs me more then a new computer.
All right, I've seen a couple of yuppies riding these things around now -- and I know, Phoenix, that people are allowed to do what they want with their money -- but COME ON, PEOPLE! Seeing the things in action, I don't see how they're any more functional that a twenty dollar second-hand bike, and the bike won't run out of juice unless your legs do.
patiodog- "Different strokes for different folks"- I wouldn't buy one either (I have better ways to spend my money), but I certainly don't begrudge people who do.
Sorry, Phoen -- just that I've got major gripes with our runaway, throwaway, consumption-glorifying, novelty-addicted culture (as here I sit, typing on a 'puter to people what I don't know)...
Sleep and food are in the future.
patiodog- I can understand how you feel. I can see over the years the difference in how people treat "things". When was the last time you:
Went to the shoemaker and had your shoes resoled?
Darned a hole in your socks?
Had a small appliance repaired?
I think that we have become a throwaway society, but the roots of this are very deep, and complex. I also think that it would make a great thread. Maybe when you are fed and rested.................
Actually, I do have a cobbler, but I haven't seen him in a while, and that was to pick up the gf's sandals. The other items, though......
(now if i could bring myself to but that winky face on here)