hawkeye10 wrote:
Wow, you have really been showing of late that I have overvalued your ability to perceive the truth.
I thought you had rated that at zero. Am I negative now?
If you are saying that the ~40% straight white male population used to enjoy 99% of the key roles and now that is lower, I'd agree. If you are saying the ~40% white male population is getting less than 40% of new key roles, I'd say you are delusional. Since we're all about new media, look through the number of bloggers on the number one blog Huffington Post. Despite the site being founded by a white woman, the majority of commentators on the politics, business, media, tech, comedy and world sections are men. (They post pictures of bloggers and they run down the left side of any given page if you want to try this yourself. It takes about ten seconds a page.) Women win out on style, food (barely) and healthy living, just like they would have thirty years ago. The number two blog is TMZ. I don't see a lot of commentators there so I don't know how that falls out. Number three: Business Insider, number four: Engadget. White male heavens. Perez Hilton is next, you win that one, but next is Gizmodo, another young white guy tech site. The face of Google: three white guys. Facebook, Apple, the same.
Just about all the respected blogs in business, technology and comedy are full of white males. Politics is mostly the same. But I would agree that there are more opportunities for breakthrough websites and blogs from women and minorities. I think that is more about bypassing obstacles in the mainstream than about how people hate white males.