To post a picture:
Google "picture of (whatever kind of picture you're looking for)", for example,
"picture of fire engine". Find a thumbnail picture you like.
Click on it to display it full size.
Move the mouse to somewhere on the picture and right click on it.
A menu will appear. Scroll down to "Properties" and click on it.
The URL where the picture is will appear (i.e.
http://www. something). Highlight the whole URL (often it's long, so run your mouse to the end of it before you highlight it).
Left click on it and click "copy".
Go back to a2k and the reply box for this thread.
Look above the reply box for the BBC Codes. See the box that says "img"? That means "image". Click on that and it will appear wherever the cursor is in your reply box. Make sure your cursor is between the two parts of the img boxes and click "paste", which should put the URL of your picture between them.
Then just click the "Reply" button and your post SHOULD appear with the picture in it.
This sounds more complicated than it really is. Do it once or twice and it'll
become automatic.