Sun 8 May, 2011 06:15 am
If, however, the government was able to obtain DNA from bin Laden's body, his son and also that son's biological mother – who might have been at the compound during the raid, it could perform DNA profiling with a "full paternity trio", assuring 99.9 per cent accuracy, Roby says.
The provenance of the DNA used in the comparison is unknown, as is the nature of the test itself. However, it is likely that forensic scientists analysing bin Laden's DNA used the polymerase chain reaction to amplify between 13 and 16 key regions called short tandem repeats (STRs), then compared the pattern of these with the same STRs from that of his relatives.
I'm not too sure what the question is. However, I'll give it a go. The highlighted prounoun it refers to the government.
Of course 'it' ultimately means scientists in government service, Ori.
Don't be so silly and confusing. 'It' refers to the government. It may well be that government scientists perform the DNA tests. I don't think anyone expects Obama to set up his own lab in the White House. This is a question about grammar not politics
Quote:'It' refers to the government.
I never suggested anything different, Iz.
Quote:It may well be that government scientists perform the DNA tests.
Not"may well be" but absolutely, which is what I described.
Quote:I don't think anyone expects Obama to set up his own lab in the White House. This is a question about grammar not politics
And that's what I addressed, the language issue. You've illustrated that in your own response but I hardly see why you bothered to take the time seeing as how my post addressed that.
The thing is , by mentioning the scientists you're muddying the waters. The questioner wanted a simple answer. I can't see that your answer would help their understanding. And moreover, once the answers had already been posted that you would waste your time posting something that didn't really clarify matters.
JTT said
Not"may well be" but absolutely, which is what I described.
You don't know though do you? Unless you had hands on experience of the raid you don't know for certain government scientists carried out the DNA tests. For all you know they could have contracted it out to Jeremy Kyle. He does this sort of stuff all the time, what's an extra Mullah in amongst all the Chavs?
Quote:The thing is , by mentioning the scientists you're muddying the waters. The questioner wanted a simple answer. I can't see that your answer would help their understanding. And moreover, once the answers had already been posted that you would waste your time posting something that didn't really clarify matters.
As you might note from the title, Ori asked if it meant 'scientists', Izzy.
It = ? "it could" = scientists could?
You certainly are entitled to your opinion but from your own response, it illustrates that it did clarify things though likely Ori already knew that, again, given his question.
Alright, I'll give you that but you've still not ruled out Jeremy Kyle.
Quote:Unless you had hands on experience of the raid you don't know for certain government scientists carried out the DNA tests.
You're right. It could have been government contracted scientists but nevertheless, scientists it was.
You don't know Jeremy Kyle, he's not likely to fork out for proper scientists. He'll probably get a plumber to do it.
New and more accurate info that has come in has convinced me to change my reply to,
Of course 'it' ultimately means scientists or plumbers in government service,
Quote:you would waste your time posting something that didn't really clarify matters.
You haven't been on A2K long, have you?
izzythepush wrote:
The thing is , by mentioning the scientists you're muddying the waters. The questioner wanted a simple answer. I can't see that your answer would help their understanding. And moreover, once the answers had already been posted that you would waste your time posting something that didn't really clarify matters.
Kudos goes to you for your sincerity and enthusiasm! Izzy, thank you.
But be candid, JTT's post has in fact served as a soothing factor to further clarify the question. No slightest trace of silliness has been invoked from his answer. He's a veteran here, both intelligent and enthusiastic.
Glad everything's alright.