Tue 3 May, 2011 05:25 pm
hi. I have a project due on Disabilities and I am doing mine on blindness.Because i am amazed by them and how hard life is to them and we think we have it bad.Anyway, I would like to talk to a blind person myself, so if you know anyone blind or are blind please leave your name and number so we can talk. Thanks sooo much!!
You don't say where you live so I can't do it for you. Do a Google search with the name of your state and "school for the blind." You'll be able to find contacts there that will probably be willing to be interviewed by your.
I know several blind people -- what sort of questions do you have in mind?
Just questions that I cant find on the internet. I would like a blind person to answer because I know the info will be true. Like how do they dream? Or how would they like to be treated the same or different. Really just a lil summary of what it is like being blind!!!
I'll add that it is very unwise to ask people to post their phone numbers on the internet. Please don't do that. It opens people up to having various bad things happen re identity theft.
I know you didn't mean to incur that.
oppps srry!!! Thanks for telling me! Hey you do learn new things every day!