Quote:georgeob1 wrote:
I agree. The wierd hair is merly a symbol for his self obsession and lack of either principle or compassion. I thought it telling that he so frequently boasted of having the "most appealing message" of the various candidates. Apparently he believes that's all there is too it. Happily he quickly exposed the absurdity of his candidacy.
He damages his self image every time he opens his mouth. Most know how ridiculous he is after he said he will build that wall. His ego is his own worst enemy.
@cicerone imposter,
But his ego is also what made him such a viral success (like in a pandemic sense) in this political season. It's a double edge sword and as of now? He's mostly benefitting from it.
@cicerone imposter,
You're preaching to the wrong person. I already disdain the jackass. But none of these failures are curbing the rabidity of his most militant followers.
Militant followers? I believe they are racial bigots; mostly the older and uneducated.
The thing about this election is that there is widespread mistrust of the apparatus -- the media, the establishment, "The Party Decides."
So signals of authenticity become important. Bernie and Trump both have that. Trump's weird/bad/impossible to take seriously hair becomes just another element of "he's his own man"/ "he can't be bought."
In a more normal context, Trump's ridiculousness -- of which his hair is one symptom -- is disqualifying. But in the context of this election, it's a feature, not a bug.
Up to a point, anyway. Those who prioritize these signals of authenticity make up enough of the electorate to get Trump the nomination, but probably not enough to get him the presidency.
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Militant followers? I believe they are racial bigots; mostly the older and uneducated.
Moldy sweet po(tay)to, moldy sweet po (tah)to.
@cicerone imposter,
Sorry to disagree with you but in the area in which I live I believe that about 60% of the people are going for Trump. Nothing I bring up about the ass seems to change their opinion so others better work to get out the democratic vote.
I hope you've got it right.