@Justin Xu,
Justin Xu wrote:
Inspirational. I see what I should do with the translation of all the French in this story. Thank you very much!!
You shouldn't translate the French at all. They're words that would be vaguely familiar to many English-speakers, but strung together into meaningless phrases. For instance, the Grey Wolf says: "Que voulez vous? Avez-vous le beau cheval de mon frere, ou le joli chien de votre pere?" Literally, that means: "What do you want? Do you have my brother's good (or beautiful) horse, or your father's nice dog?" That doesn't make any sense as a question, but it's reminiscent of schoolbook exercises for students learning French, much like "où est la bibliothèque?" In the context of the story, then, the words are supposed to
sound French, but they're not supposed to
mean anything.