Then why do you folks all dress up the same? I asked the same question to my 19 year old niece last year who spouted the same defensive whine you did about "individualism" all the while wearing the "individualistic" black pants and shirt.
Give you some advice; the next time someone asks you the same question I just did, tell them that you practice Sufism, where your outward appearence is uninportant and the self in inwardly directed.
Had you come back responding that you would have earned my respect, until then you're nothing but a precocious kid, with an insufferable ego and little experience in the ways of the world.
The fundamental error of youth (mine included) is thinking that we alone are the only ones who have tread the path their feet rest upon. It does NOT make you look stupid, it makes you human. It is the wearing of similar clothing while proclaiming your individualty that makes you look stupid. Go ahead, put on a bright tie dye tomorrow and see what your goth buddies say about you wanting to dress as an "individual."