Quote: Hey FM, is the geology in Mahanoy City Pennsylvania from the Carboniferous period?
Yeh, pretty much. The human appendage hes talking about is a fern stem. Its been looked at by the PA Geol Survey and dismissed by a paleobotannist whose done extensive research on Carboniferous plants from coal mines.
This fossil has a dubious pdigree. Its part of the same **** that the "medved" and other hoaxers were trying to pass off a s human fossils from the coal measures.
There ws a skull cap (A concretion), A "knuckle bone" also a conv=cretion, then the appendage.
Theres a lot of crap on the web and whats happened is that someone or many someones keep referencing the samples back and forth to make it look like theres been a host of real science behind it. Its actually just a few jokers who are pputting this stuff out. Its not really hard to distinguish as fake, but guys like bewildered,(I think) are part of continuing the hoax. He publishes examples from real fossils, and then puts out bad photos of lots of his stuff in between (As if one has any bearing on the validity of the other). Its all just rubbish. Id been really walking softly when bewildered first started putting up what appeared to be some HS kids questions. AS days went on, and I looked further into his pile of stuff, the more it was obvious that this clown is one of the perps.
Hes a fake.