farmerman wrote:
Quote: I don 't think this would explain why some lower division economics, or science classes textbooks cost so much
I wouldnt know about economics but introductory texts in my field are equally incorporating new information. However, I looked up a couple of Historical and Physical GEolog texts and have found that the costs of these are less subject to price increases. There is a classical Phys Geo text that had cost about 30 dollars when I was a student and costs about 5o dollars today.
If the book is old, particularly famous, not being printed, then it is likely the cost will increase. This is only possible in very special situations.
What I am taking about are the price different between the newest edition, and 1, or 2 previous edition of the same book. For example, I just bought a first edition book for 2 dollars, and the third generation cost about 116 dollars. This is a very big difference.