Why are there still Australians on this site?

Reply Sun 28 Dec, 2003 07:32 pm
Acquiunk wrote:
Every Australian on this site complains about the government, what are they doing that is so bad?

You might ask some of the Indonesian fisherman who have been imprisoned in West Australian prisons. These are peasants desperately trying to eke out a meagre existence. When they stray into Australian waters, they're arrested, fined thousands of dollars they can't possibly pay, had they're boats burned, and left wives and children to fend for themselves. They're then sent home carrying huge debts to the boat owners, again that they can't possibly repay. Our conservative government is just as evil as Bush and co.
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Reply Sun 28 Dec, 2003 07:35 pm
He seems to have energy & drive & is media savvy (so far!), but I find it hard to trust anyone from the NSW right, especially after the job they did on Crean. ( know that Latham wasn't part of that, but ...)
Right now, to me it boils down to the lesser of 2 evils & I desperately want the Libs gone. But I suspect we'll end up with something like Blair's version of Labor under Latham if they win. Ya can't win, can you? Rolling Eyes
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 28 Dec, 2003 07:52 pm
One can eat just so many wabbit stew.
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Reply Sun 28 Dec, 2003 08:10 pm
Hmmmmmm - New South Wales Right......hmmmmmm.....
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Reply Sun 28 Dec, 2003 10:46 pm
the aussies are generally fun and informative. <except for margo>

i keep wondering about those canadians though
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Sun 28 Dec, 2003 11:27 pm
Personally I was glad when we got rid of the Dutch. A bloke can only take so much.....
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Sun 28 Dec, 2003 11:31 pm
We didn't get rid of the Dutch??

Who the ufck did we get rid of??

Estonians?? No-one said we'd start at the Baltic... At the meeting I remember clearly, it was the North Atlantic seaboard down to Portugal. So that's why those friggin' Scots are still on.....

It's not too late to expel the Bretons??
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Reply Mon 29 Dec, 2003 12:13 am
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 29 Dec, 2003 12:19 am
Thems mighty brave words, Mr Still. Wink
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Reply Mon 29 Dec, 2003 09:10 am

Just take yer bag of antipodean antics and head back south of the tropics . . . American, love or hate it, we want ya to leave . . .

And hurry, before that damned wabbit starts bweeding . . .
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Reply Mon 29 Dec, 2003 03:35 pm
No, we won't stop!!!! So there! Twisted Evil <poking out tongue>
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Reply Mon 29 Dec, 2003 03:40 pm
We shall not, we shall not be moved - we shall not, we shall not be moved....
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Reply Mon 29 Dec, 2003 03:43 pm
Absolutely not!!! Evil or Very Mad
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 29 Dec, 2003 03:43 pm
[I've heard, they are sitting in Oz clinging on for dear life.]
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Reply Thu 1 Jan, 2004 08:44 pm
Its the Belgians you wanna get rid off, I swear ...

Plus, I'll promise ya an irresistable bonus two-for-the-price-of-one deal: you get rid of the Belgians, and I'll go with all the Dutch, too!
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Reply Thu 1 Jan, 2004 08:58 pm
Oh, my!! Sad

I've just found this thread, and, boy, am I disappointed.

I though those active Aussies on this site were almost universally loved, and respected. It seems I was verrrry wrong. How sad Crying or Very sad

The majority of the Aussies here try to be good A2K citizens, no foul language (or hardly any?), no abuse, and post witty, intelligent, erudite observations. Lamentably, there are some exceptions, as pueo observed, but, on the whole.....

It seems that we are just not the flavour of the month. Crying or Very sad

I was just starting to develop a liking for Gus. Oh, well!
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Reply Thu 1 Jan, 2004 09:07 pm
margo wrote:
The majority of the Aussies here try to be good A2K citizens, no foul language (or hardly any?), no abuse, and post witty, intelligent, erudite observations.

Well, and if that aint annoying, what is!? I mean - really!

Bleedin **** **** those **** and **** so **** giant turtles **** do **** flea-infested **** obscene **** **** strawberry yoghurt **** and **** lubricated candles!
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Reply Thu 1 Jan, 2004 09:10 pm
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Reply Fri 2 Jan, 2004 12:47 am
Oh my!
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Reply Fri 2 Jan, 2004 07:48 am
There was a wild colonial youth, Jack Doolan was his name
Of poor but honest parents, he was born in Castlemaine
He was his father's only hope, his mother's only joy
The pride of both his parents was the wild colonial boy

Come all my hearties, we'll range the mountainside
Together we will plunder, together we will ride
We'll scour along the valleys and gallop o'er the plains
We'll scorn to live in slavery, bowed down in iron chains

In sixty-one this daring youth commenced his wild career
With a heart that knew no danger, no foeman did he fear
He held up the Beechworth mailcoach and he robbed Judge MacEvoy
Who trembled and gave up his gold to the wild colonial boy

One day as he was riding the mountainside along
Alistening to the little birds their pleasant laughing song
Three mounted troopers came in view - Kelly, Davis, and Fitzroy
And thought that they would capture him, the wild colonial boy

"Surrender now, Jack Doolan, you see there's three to one
Surrender now, Jack Doolan, you daring highwayman"
He drew a pistol from his belt and spun it like a toy
"I'll fight, but I won't surrender," said the wild colonial boy

He fired at trooper Kelly and brought him to the ground
And in return from Davis received a mortal wound
All shattered through the jaws, he lay still firing at Fitzroy
And that's the way they captured him, the wild colonial boy

These people haven't changed--can we afford to have such miscreants among us?
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