Sat 27 Dec, 2003 03:36 pm
I've never been hypnotized. I've been to shows and watched people make fools of themselves. I've had friends put under to rid themselves of bad habits. I'd say the success rate was about 50-50.
Have you been hypnotized? Did you endure go hypnosis for fun or to change a quit smoking or lose weight, for example? Do you believe in it all?
If hypnosis does work and you could change something about yourself, what would you choose to do?
Human Guinea Pig - Got me hypnotized.
FRANZ ANTON MESMER was born on 23rd May 1734, near Lake Constance, on what is now the German side. He received a good and varied education, which ended with a medical qualification at the age of 32. His dissertation was on the influence of heavenly bodies on people's health, which he supposed to be by means of "animal gravity".
At the age of 40 he became interested in the effects of magnets on the body and believed that he had discovered an entirely new principle of healing involving "animal magnetism". This "animal magnetism" that he used was different from physical magnetism in that he believed that he could "magnetise" paper, glass, dogs and all manner of other substances.
I was up on stage once with a bunch of other high school students who were chosen to be hypnotized in front of an audience. It didn't work on me, but my classmates did very silly things. I've never known anyone to have been hypnotized to break a habit.
People are hypnotized only if they want to be. I suspect it is more of a reflection of personality more than anything else.
I tried hypnosis years ago to quit smoking. Didn't work, but I was supposedly a real good subject and went into a deep trance. Lousy hypnotist, or it just plain doesn't work.
roger wrote:I tried hypnosis years ago to quit smoking. Didn't work, but I was supposedly a real good subject and went into a deep trance. Lousy hypnotist, or it just plain doesn't work.
This is exactly the way it happened to me.
Q. Do you believe in hypnosis?
A. No.
Never been....not sure whether to believe it or not. Bad habits are only broken if you have enough will power to do it yourself.
But would love to see someone be
I am a hypnotherapist!
You say you haven't been hypnotised but actually we have all been in the state we call a hypnotic trance. Staring into the fire, or at running water; driving along a motorway and missing our exit - what you might call day-dreaming, which is a lovely term if you think about it.
Most hypnotherapists work by completely relaxing the client, and having them do a progressive visualisation. Suggestions given when you are in this state are powerful, going straight to the subconscious. Most people remember everything on waking, but if there is a disturbing reaction to deeply buried trauma, a therapist may suggest that it is forgotten.
You cannot be hypnotised or do anything that is against your will. The people you see on stage running around like chickens are perfectly willing to make fools of themselves in public, and have entered into the experiment with full consent. Despite negative images in films, hypnosis can't be forced on you.
The anti-smoking programme I was taught is pretty successful but in the old cliche, YOU HAVE TO REALLY WANT to give up. Many people say they do, or more likely come to hypnotherapists because a partner nags them to - so it won't work.
It works very well on things like panic attacks and pain management; I did sessions with my sons before important exams, and lots of their friends too!
Come here and be hypnotised!!, since you put it that way, I guess I have been a hypnotic trance. There are times that I have driven to work....and have been so in thought that there are strecthes of the drive that are just black. I guess are you call it....I've done some heavy duty day
I love how dyslexia completely skips over the fact that mesmer invented hypnotism.
I don't think that you can "believe" in hypnotism. It's just the power of suggestion at moments when you are most vulnerable. It's pretty much the same as social pressure.
Have you ever just woken up and a relative or friend tells you that your arm is on fire or your leg has fallen off but you ditch any rational thiking and you believe it? That's hypnotism.
ive never been hypnotized but im in to hypnosis it does work first of all. im mostly in to fictional hypnosis like on tv or movies why are other people interested in it?
My ex-psychotherapist claimed that very young children are in a constant hyponotic state and, therefore, perpetually open to suggestion. Beliefs are deeply implanted at that time.
He also said that any deep emotional state is closely related to a suggestive hypnotic state of mind, and that is why tv commercials are placed directily after dramatic moments on the shows.
Redecision therapy works on the belief that the patient, while in a deeply emotional state—akin to a hyynotic state—can change a negatve decision made in childhood to a positive statement simply by stating the redecision over and over again. I've done some of this type therapy, and, believe me, it works.
I have studied it and it is very real.The consciousness changes when in a hypnotic state.
Have you been in a trance for the past nine years, Andrew?
'Cos that's how long it is since the previous post here.