Tue 3 Dec, 2002 10:26 pm
(which actually aren't really blue, can you think of any other blue foods?
Lots of greens and some yellows and oranges and a few reds. But blues????
Some eggplant is a bluish purple. Is that a food?
Grapes are purple, too, but I'm not counting purple. Eggplant is a veggie and does come in varieties but I've never seen one close to blue (though I will admit I have had limited exposure to eggplant over the years).
Nah -- there's lots of blue flowers. That's too easy. I want blue foods. Well, actually, I don't really want them. I'm just curious why we don't have blue foods (it's all roger's fault, you know, cause he brought up the favicon thingie which I thought was a cupcake).
I know there is a blue corn that they make blue chips and tortillas out of.
And...what about blue cheese?
There's also the blue crab. The meat isn't blue, but a lot of the shell is.
Gorgonzola cheese has blue veins. Enough blue there?
The fact that there really aren't any common blue foods in nature, is the main reason that blue is THE most un-appetizing colors. The color is actually a "warning color", letting you know that something is in-edible.
Some say that you are more likely to lose weight, if you eat off of blue plates, or even replace the lightbulb in the fridge with a blue light.
Very interesting, Jerry. I never heard that (and hear I thought watching foodtv would teach me everything I'd ever need to know). Guess the blue plates should go, but then, of course, I have to change the dining room decor. I knew I should never have posted this one.
Incidentally, I forgot all about the blue cheese -- which in my humble opinion does look kind of inedible, but hubby likes it so I buy it fairly regularly. And now that you brought it up, Matrix, I saw the blue corn (and the tortillas) on food tv a while ago (it did look kind of strange).
There are blue M&Ms does that count?
That's right, Joanne. Of course it counts -- candy is one of the best foods in the whole wide world (but only if it's chocolate). And, I think, the blue one came about via popular vote -- must be people feel there is a definite need for more blue foods.
I like those
blue corn chips and i am NOT getting rid of my
blue Russel Wright dishes. I've had
blue potatoes a couple of times, they didn't taste as exotic as they looked.
When I was a kid I loved the blue popsicles because they made my mouth look so freaky.
Those blue tortilla chips are actually rather gray (not an appealing color for food either).
Good show, Jerry. I'll get a blue plate instead of waisting my time on another diet.
Actually, I'm going to keep my blue plates too and then next time dinner stinks, I can just blame it on the plates. "Well, it really is a perfectly good dinner, dear. You just aren't enjoying it because it's on blue plates."
The blue plates don't work as a diet aid for me. I guess i'm perverse.
Are you perverse or just a tad color blind?
i actually have an unusual sense of colour, but i'm not colour blind. Good idea though.