Debbie? If anyone is referring to moi, that is a fightin' word.........
See... she can't be Little Debbie. Not sweet enough.
The big U.S. manufacturer of allegedly baked junk food is Hostess, which makes Twinkies, Hohos and other such delightful excursions into better living through chemistry. Running a close second in the hearts of nutritionally careless or clueless Americans is Dolly Madison, not only the name of an heroic First Lady, but the name of a nationally-based "bakery" concern.
Just as every industry has an economy brand which appeals through cheapness, and seeks a profit in volume sales, so it is with low-rent confectionaries. The cheaper-by-the-dozen brand for such products here is Lil' Debbie, which shows on its cover the picture of a winsome lass, reminiscent of Shirley Temple. Absolutely no coneys are displayed thereon, and there is not the least reference to antipodean curmudgeonettes . . .
dlowan wrote:Debbie? If anyone is referring to moi, that is a fightin' word.........
I didn't mean to ruffle the bunnies......hare. :wink:
Oh, very bad, very bad indeed . . .
I salute you, BX . . .
Lil Debbie, Bunny of the South.
Twinkies were originally filled with banana cream but during WW II there was a shortage of bananas so the Twinkies are now vanilla creame filled.
dys, why would someone know that?
One of my dark little secrets is that I like Twinkies, especially when I get a sugar craving. Nothing like a package of artificial ingredients to calm a sugar junkie.
Ben and Jerry's does it for me when I'm feeling classier, but even then I eat it right out of the carton.
Will you all respect me in the morning????
Sure wish I had known that, Diane. I had to buy a box of 10 of the things to get two to send to Virginia. I was in quite a state over what to do with the other 8.
No, Diane. I will not respect you in the morning, after a night of Twinkies. Really, what are you thinking, anyway?
Really, I try to change my ways, only to relent and buy Twinkies in a grocery store where no one will recognize me. I hide them under the cereal and bread. The woman at the check out counter always gives me a sly, knowing smirk. How humiliating!!!
Roger, it is only an eight hour drive to our apartment. How about this weekend?
BTW, I still have the Twinkies I was supposed to send to SealPoet's M-I-L. It is a package of three. I haven't opened it, but I can't seem to pack it up and send it to some stranger who probably won't really appreciate them.
Weekends are out for a while. One of the hazards of bookkeeping is that the year end work really happens in the first quarter of the year following. The hazard of being a salaried bookkeeper is working weekends free of charge. Anyway, doesn't Colorado have some pretty stiff environmental laws to be smuggling in stuff like that?
FYI... she just retaliated. She sent me a tin of Spotted Dick.
I love Twinkies. And Ding-Dongs. Mmm. Nothin' better...