ketchup is a breath mint
or a candy mint
or a rectal suppository,
but it ain't a vegetable.
good taste is timeless.
What does a bottle know
of the ketchup inside?
How can a web poll show
the value of our lives?
Does understanding grow
when we idealize
the harvest that we sow
of mostly dead white guys?
Ketchup is far more honest than our own integrity.
The internet is the instinctive choice, although I've always thought of it as having evolved rather than being invented.
But on a personal note, since the birth of my two kids, I would be inclined to say something like disposable nappies, or diapers to you. Or the dishwasher. These are two things that have improved the quality of my life no end!
Axon wrote:The internet is the instinctive choice, although I've always thought of it as having evolved rather than being invented.
But on a personal note, since the birth of my two kids, I would be inclined to say something like disposable nappies, or diapers to you. Or the dishwasher. These are two things that have improved the quality of my life no end!
Welcome to a2k AXON.
You've suggested a good criterion for considering something as the best.But,I feel that you own nappies and dishwasher doesn't qualify though we understand them to be useful for home management.Ketchup also is a evolution from the squashes.So is viagra.Any more nominations?
Yes Roger,
I also note Avon's comment. Times change!
"Blessed relief for Mother and the other women in the household!"
Heinz slogan when it introduced its commercial version of ketchup in 1876.
willow_tl wrote:Did I mention the George Foreman f@@@ingcredible!
willow; i just got one for xmas; will report back....................!
and, i might mention, i chose the 'computer' (in generic terms) as it is our destiny - the next itteration in evolution.
eventually the computer will absorb us.
(not to downplay the importance of 'ketchup', mind you!)
I had ketchup on my eggs this I have had every morning ...and will continue to have...ketchup is everlasting and immortal.....also a food group.....
my computer tells me that in 20 years computers will be out of date.
Tell your computer to start working on its self-image.
The massaging, Lazy-Boy recliner!!!
Hey, Ketchup cannot be termed as big invention.I don't think that computer will move out in 25 years.Nor do I think we are going to live with out TV.In all probability Ketchup is going to vanish in a decade.All fellows who're rolling all over on Ketchup now,better find another sticky thing fast!
As long as there are hamburgers and french fries ketchup will endure.
I dunno if it was the single greatest - but the Space Program was responsible for the creation of many things.
Nitrogen fixation. Completely changed the course of history, for better and worse.
Husker and Patiodog your nominations are good indeed.Then what's THE BEST?
My Favorite invetions are indoor plumbing, electric oven, stove, microwave, and refigerator.