Thu 13 Jan, 2011 03:55 pm
God sins a lot but is there no end to God’s greed?
"Jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sado-masochistic, capriciously malevolent bully" - Richard Dawkins.
Dawkins has listed a few of the --qualities-- that he has gleaned from reading scriptures.
He seems to have forgotten God’s main sin though, that of greed and coveting.
God, in his greed, wants or more rightly said, demands, that we love, honor, and obey him and repent for sinning against him when in reality, man can only sins against man.
Any that dare not give all that he greedily covets is punished quite severely. This shows the depth of his greed. Scripture is surely on the mark when it says that he is a jealous God and God live up to this label quite well. Scripture also says that we are to try to be as perfect as God and that would mean having all the immoral attributes shown here.
Most, including the pope and other main line religions hierarchies believe in evolution. Evolution tells us that God, if he exists at all and that is not really a proven fact, would have lived may years before creating mankind. Most think that God is and always has been perfect and never changing.
In the beginning there would only have been God. No one or anything to be jealous of.
Nothing to covet, no one to control etc.
If Dawkins list has some accuracy in it and I am told by theists that it does, where did these attributes come from. They all seem so human that one would think that a God would be above such petty and immoral attributes.
One would think that a good God would only have good attributes but as we know, he cannot or will not follow his own commandments.
A human law maker is expected to follow the law and we see this as good morals yet theist follow a God who is acting less moral than men.
How then did he suddenly become so jealous and greedy?
Even to the point of coveting another man’s woman, Mary.
Are there no commandments worthy of him following?
Are we to follow a law maker who does not follow his own laws?
@Greatest I am,
Lately, the Pope has been suggesting Morality is not relative. The Ten Commandments include "Thou shalt not kill" but in a war, or invasion of Cannan, by Israelites led by Joshua this same God by way of the prophet wants the Israelites to slaughter all the inhabitants, animals and burn all the belongings - perfect genocide in Canaan. So morality in the Bible isn't universal or unchanging but relative i.e. in peace and war.
@Greatest I am,
It has to be said that the supreme being in God I (the Old Testament) is a very different god to the one in God II - Jesus Rises (the New Testament).
God I pulled some really awesome practical jokes: aside from drowning every critter on the planet, turning people into salt for looking over their shoulders and making one of his most loving worshippers lose his family, fortune and get horrific boils to prove to Satan how loyal he was, he also pulls off the meanest punking ever: He tells Abraham to sacrifice his son or feel his wrath. At the last minute, as the weeping Abe is about to plunge the knife into his terrified son's chest, God interrupts and says, "Wait! I was only kidding. Were you actually gonna do it?"
God II is like all forgiving and a pretty nice guy. Although not a Christian, I can appreciate that God as a suitable model for humans and their behaviour - turn the other cheek, forgive and forget, hate the sinner not the sin and all that.
Over the centuries many people have tried (and been burned for) suggesting that there were in fact two gods and that God II fought a battle defeating the wrathful God I. Here's one of these mystic sects...
So in answer to your question,
no, if you are talking about the Old Testament God. Yes when he became the New Testament God. Of course option 3 is be an agnostic. I go for this.