@cicerone imposter,
Well we're watching a terrible 1980's slasher horror film when the doltish jock separates from his cheerleader babe postnecking/presex in search of the fuse box in the basement after the lights and electricity mysteriously cuts off.
No weapon and perhaps a set of matches for his only source of light, the audience just knows he's getting a pair of axes buried in his knees and an inevitable drill up his nose.
Certainly many people see this inevitable catastrophe. The bankers who are the engine of this crisis so they can continue collecting their $50 million bonuses. The alleged regulators who look the other way and when they leave their public office, they are set up with 6 or 7 figure salaries in a think tank, fueled and funded by the above mentioned bankers which the regulators are in theory supposed to be regulating.
Then there is the Republican base. They're too stupid and gullible as they swear they are true patriotic members of grass roots organization and that their leaders are there to protect the values of the rank and file. It would be laughable if the rest of the country didn't have to suffer the cancer of the Republican greed machine.
And then there's the rest of us. Sitting on the curb while we see two buses speeding up to two stop signs at an intersection with a four way stop sign configuration. We think to ourselves that there is no way these buses will stop in time and many people will be crushed in the ensuing INTENTIONAL accident.
This next economic crisis is a horrible inducer of mixed metaphors