Thu 18 Dec, 2003 02:29 am
Yeah, I guess it's desputable whether this is a science or not, but this seemed the best place for it.
On the last day of class my anthro teacher gave us this list. What do you think?
1. Thou shalt have no concepts before human, unless it be humane.
2. Thou shalt not put theorizing before evidence; save thy theorizing for the seventh day.
3. Thou shalt not commit reductionism nor reification.
4. Thou shalt never attempt to move thy theory out of harm's way or make an idol or graven image of they theory to worship.
6. Thy toolkit shall include many theories.
7. Thou shalt not proclaim any theory to be Truth.
8. Honor the memory of Tylor and Boas, of Durkheim and Malinowski.
9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's data; thou shalt not steal thy neighbor's ideas; however, of they neighbor's theories thou mayest borrow aplenty.
I think it makes stone-cold sense.