@Finn dAbuzz,
Quote:Can you provide a link to the Yemeni cables? I'm unable to find one.
I have tried to access the original Wikileak, Finn (via the link at the bottom of the Amnesty page I quoted)
As I have already posted here, earlier in this thread, it is no longer available.
However, Amnesty international, the Guardian newspaper, ABC news (Australia) & probably other media I didn't personally access, all reported on that Yemen Wikileak. I doubt that they all lied about the leak.
Is the fact that Petraeus is reported, in a cable, to have stated that there were only three dead civilians the evidence of which you write about of a cover-up of civilian casualties?
As I've already gone to some length to explain, the civilian casualties were a
result of the (2009) secret US drone attacks in Yemen.
There was a Yemeni government inquiry into those deaths.
General Petraeus's assessment of "only" three civilian deaths, as a result of the US attack, differs from the finding of that inquiry. (go back to my last post & the Amnesty link for details)
(Not that "only" 3 civilian deaths, as a result of a secret military operation, is acceptable, in my opinion. )
Quote:The attacks took place and civilians were killed no matter who took responsibility for the attacks.
But we
know, as a result of the Yemen Wikileak, that the PM of Yemen told General Petraeus that he would cover-up US military involvement in Yemen.
And that he said he would
continue to lie about it in the future.
He also said to General Petraeus that he lied to the the Yemeni parliament inquiry. (see my previous post)
Anything I might have to say about Saleh's
personal motivations, or any shift in US tactics, would be purely speculation on my part.
What "shift in "US tactics" are you referring to, Finn?
Could you supply us with the details, please?
I've come across no such information in my reading.