We're saying the same thing, then. The captain wisely stayed with the hypothetical "if" and we all hope it stays hypothetical.
I've got to leave soon (if European airports open up given this latest blatant manifestation of global warming over there) so I'd like to quickly cover the appallingly common ignorance of history mentioned on the previous page by Walter, Setanta, and others.
1. The Lusitania was found years ago in the Irish Sea and her cargo shown to include artillery and ammunition - and any vessel carrying war materiel in a war zone is by any definition a warship. That was the information given to Captain Schwieger by the German Admiralty, and it was well known to Churchill, then in charge of the British Admiralty, who chose to keep quiet. The Schwieger family threw a huge party in Berlin after the wreck was finally located and examined - at last free of the horrible accusation that their relative had sunk a passenger ship.
2. The Ems telegram: to this day there's a widespread impression that Germany attacked France in 1870, when the opposite is true.
3. I also believe that Wilson was a fool in getting bamboozled into sending troops to the European front in 1917 - see Lusitania above. That Churchill never told him the truth speaks volumes about the motives of that country - never mind the Zimmerman telegram.
Merry Christmas to all here.