Depends on what you mean about Wikileaks, as others abandoning support for the organization note, it is a one-man Julian Assange show now. Supporting the organization is to support him and I think he's a complete cretin.
However, I do support the idea, the idea it certainly didn't invent (of bringing secrets to light) and the idea that it poorly serves with Assange and his serious personal issues detracting from them. I would like for more whistleblowers like Bradley Manning to come forward and I oppose the real persecution that they face. Assange is riding on the coattails of their bravery and hijacking the goodwill their leaks generate for self-aggrandizement and to avoid facing his personal problems.
He hijacked the organization as his defense against the charges against him in Sweden. I find it despicable that he gets to evade facing rape charges just on the basis of the hero worship and by donning the mantle of the cause and implying that the rape charge is political persecution.
The moment he did that is when I, and many others who supported him or even worked with him, broke with the support. Folks around him in Wikileaks asked him to step down but his response instead was to kick those who challenged him out of the organization and he continued to use it as a bully pulpit for his defense, bringing backers and financial support that are to be used for his personal defense and personal use. Those who objected to this were just pushed out.
It is patently obvious that he is using a political excuse to avoid a personal criminal charge. The notion that the charges are all part of an American conspiracy is baseless idiocy and it's shameful that it's a narrative whose attraction to the average Australian makes them believe it in such great numbers (you can tell where they are from a mile away as they ape all the talking points the media in Oz make).
His accusers deserve their day in court, no matter what Assange's passionate supporters think about him or his cause.
It is just not their job to adjudicate the rape case through conspiracy theories and the court of popular opinion. It is absolutely absurd that we are here saying that the rape cases should not be held because of some risible and utterly ridiculous notion that America is going to extradite or kidnap Assange. That is my qualm, he is accused of rape and evades facing the charges with the help and mindless support from his many apologists.