I have. Stratfor is just a private organization that peddles "intelligence". Some hackers released what they claim was Stratfor internal communication that includes very critical views on Assange and the claim that the US government has a secret indictment against him.
The veracity of even whether that was a leak or not hasn't been confirmed (and hackers have been releasing a lot of such hoaxes recently) but even assuming they are so it is just a private company making such claims. The law everyone says would be used (the Espionage Act) has never been used for a non-citizen and the claim just doesn't make sense.
There surely is investigations on who might have actually broken laws to get information to Assange but the evidence for this conspiracy to extradite Assange to the US is just rumor at this stage, and a stupid one at that. There is no legal case against Assange that will hold up.
As for who was doing this "****" before: you act like whistleblowing was some grand invention of this jackass. No it wasn't. It happens every day (just not as often on as ground-breaking of a scale) and will continue. He nabbed some big, epic, journalistic breaks but this is only due to a couple of really brave whistleblowers. He is just a different brand of journalist and there are plenty of other people ready and willing to publish a big scoop like that, the limiting factor are people willing to go to jail over giving it to them, not the people willing to take the credit and attention for it.
The whistleblowers can continue their good work just like they did in the past. The Pentagon Papers didn't need Wikileaks and whistle blowing and the cause will continue without Assange using it for his ego. There are thousands of other places to leak information online, just because you don't know about them doesn't mean they don't exist.
The idea lives on, just because there aren't a lot of other examples of epic whistleblowing doesn't mean this is all to Assange's credit, the bottom line is there aren't that many Bradley Mannings there are plenty of people willing to be the Assange and take credit for their acts. The Pentagon Papers were a similarly big deal, and those kinds of things just don't come along every day. Assange helped this happen but he was just a medium for Bradley Manning etc to do so. If he wasn't there Bradley would have worked with the other hackers he was talking to (one of them, Adrian Lamo, was a douchebag who turned him in, for example), he was a leak waiting to happen and Assange took it and ran with it.
And as for the sexual charges, yes I do think they are just sexual charges. I don't think it the conspiracy theories make a shred of sense. I find it a bit crass to speculate on this, and would really rather just see him give these girls their day in court, but if I had to guess this is what I believe is most likely:
He had consensual sex with two girls. Being the born asshole I claim he is, when one insisted on him using a condom took it off secretly, which is a creepy thing to do but fits well with the personality everyone describes. With the other, he had sex with her while she was sleeping or at some level of non-complete consent.
They both found out that he was sleeping around with young groupies and felt used, and when they related their stories to each other decided his borderline behavior was less borderline and brought charges.
Now I'm absolutely sure you disagree on various of the above and have an earful to give me and feel free to do so, but I'm not going to respond to it and instead I have a favor to ask of you: As you know, I am trying to avoid talking to you. I just don't find it edifying enough to put up with your inordinate sensitivity and the offense, hurt feelings and drama that nearly inevitably ensue. So I politely (as politely as this kind of thing can be, at least) request that you would stop trying to get me to respond, and hope that you enjoy more fruitful discussions with interlocutors of greater patience and personal compatibility.