@failures art,
Quote:Yes, but you're forgetting a detail. The release came because WLs lost control of the cables because a writer at the Guardian (presumably) let the password out along with the location of all the files.
No, I haven't forgotten the details, Art.
David Leigh, the brother of the
Guardian editor (who presumably wrote that
Guardian editorial I posted here & which caused such outrage from Guardian readers) revealed the password in his book on Wikileaks.
As well,
Daniel Domscheit-Berg (there's that name again!), who was "Daniel Schmidt" during his 2 years with Wikileaks,
"unplugged a component which guaranteed anonymity to would-be leakers" (see quote directly below), presumably at around the same time as he absconded with all that leaked material, which he now claims he destroyed.
The combination of these two events, of course, made it pretty much impossible for Wikileaks to function
Quote:(Reuters) - WikiLeaks's ability to receive new leaks has been crippled after a disaffected programer unplugged a component which guaranteed anonymity to would-be leakers, activists and journalists who have worked with the site say.
Details of the breakdown are contained in a book by estranged Assange collaborator Daniel Domscheit-Berg which is due to be published on Friday, a source familiar with the contents of the book told Reuters.
Neither WikiLeaks's embattled Australian founder, Julian Assange, nor members of his entourage responded to an e-mailed request from Reuters for comment but a WikiLeaks spokesman confirmed the website's submission system was being overhauled.
Domscheit-Berg also took a backlog of leaks sent to the WikiLeaks website with him when he left, the source familiar with the contents of "Inside WikiLeaks: My Time With Julian Assange at the World's Most Dangerous Website," said.
So, continuing the story... & onto ...
(I find this absolutely fascinating!

Daniel Domscheit-Berg then proceeded to deride Wikileaks & Julian Assange to all and sundry through various media outlets ... & announced that his creation,
OpenLeaks, would be a safer, more respectable whistle blower organisation, presumably because he was in charge of it & was so much more honest & trustworthy than Julian Assange. (!)
Out of interest, I Googled high "OpenLeaks" high & low over the past few months to see what leaked information had been revealed.
No success. The site was not functioning. Nothing.
All I could find was loads of Daniel Domscheit-Berg interviews, saying the same old things about Wikileaks, Assange, etc .... & promoting his book about Wikileaks.
Finally, via a
Huffington Post article, I discovered that the details of
OpenLeaks had been revealed to
Forbes magazine.
Yes, Forbes magazine.
Apparently Domscheit-Berg was in the process of
testing the security of the new site with the cooperation his fellow hacker community in Germany. Presumably they would hack away,&
prove that OpenLeaks was safe & secure. (Unlike Wikileaks, whose security he'd
personally stuffed up!)
Quote:WikiLeaks spinoff OpenLeaks may be long delayed from its initial plans for launch early this year. But the whistleblower project is far from dead. In fact, the volunteers behind the site would like, very literally, to see you try and kill it.
At the Chaos Communications Camp hacker conference in Finowfurt, Germany Wednesday, former WikiLeaks spokesperson Daniel Domscheit-Berg launched four days of public testing of OpenLeaks.org, in partnership with four European newspapers and one non-profit group that have signed on as the initial round of outlets who will use the site’s tools to receive documents that sources wish to anonymously send them.
However .... the plot thickens.
(are you still with me?

The invited hackers from
Chaos Communications Camp, have expelled him from their organization:
Quote:Top German Hacker Slams OpenLeaks Founder
Chaos Computer Club spokesman Müller-Maguhn questioned Daniel Domscheit-Berg's integrity in a SPIEGEL interview.
Former WikiLeaks deputy Daniel Domscheit-Berg has been expelled from Germany's top hacker group, the Chaos Computer Club. In an interview, the group's spokesman Andy Müller-Maguhn told SPIEGEL how he lost faith in Domscheit-Berg and his new whistleblowing project OpenLeaks.
And went onto say:
Quote:"When Domscheit-Berg left WikiLeaks amid conflict there, he also took the archive and unpublished submissions with him. He said that he had no plans to use the material for himself or OpenLeaks. But now I have my doubts about that. I have put lots of patience and discussion into this. Still, flimsy excuses have led to unbelievabe delays in the handover of the archive. I can no longer believe in his willingness to hand over the unpublished material either."
And also this:
Quote:SPIEGEL: Perhaps he can't surrender the material because he doesn't have it. Last week he told the weekly magazine Der Freitag: "I took no documents from WikiLeaks with me."
Müller-Maguhn: "That is exactly the reason for me to suspend my mediation efforts. He told me last Thursday evening that he had to look at each document before handing them over. It doesn't match up. I have never personally seen the documents. But Assange told me that there are about 3,000 submissions, some of them with several hundred documents."
Hmmmm ...
So there we have it.
As to
OpenLinks: will it become a more secure alternative to Wikileaks?
Well, not in my opinion. For starters we won't be able to
read any of their leaks. It is an arrangement purely between OpenLeaks & publishers of some newspapers.
Secondly, what whistle blower would
risk supplying information to it?
I'd imagine that the whistle blowers who supplied the material which Domscheit-Berg stole from Wikileaks would be very nervous, still.
He claims he's destroyed all those leaks removed from wikileaks (for example, those concerning the Bank of America) but, as that Chaos Club spokesman implied, he does appear to be rather lose & fast with with his version of the facts .
Personally, I wouldn't trust Domscheit-Berg as far as I could kick him.
But we shall see ...