I came across this article in Al Jazeera today.
How much longer will Bradley Manning be held in detention without a proper trial?
What exactly is holding up a proper trial occurring, so that all of the facts about his situation can be fully disclosed & assessed?
Would the US government accept such treatment of a US citizen by another country?
Of course not.
So why is the US government condoning such treatment of one of its own citizens on its own soil?
To me, Manning's treatment looks not that much different to the treatment of endless numbers of Guantanamo detainees.
Bradley Manning: American hero
Bradley Manning faces many years in prison and a court martial for exposing the truth about US foreign policy [EPA]
We still don't know if he did it or not, but if Bradley Manning, the 24-year-old Army private from Oklahoma, actually supplied WikiLeaks with its choicest material - the Iraq War logs, the Afghan War logs, and the State Department cables - which startled and riveted the world, then he deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom instead of a jail cell at Fort Leavenworth.
President Obama recently gave one of those medals to retiring Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who managed the two bloody, disastrous wars about which the WikiLeaks-released documents revealed so much. Is he really more deserving than the young private who, after almost ten years of mayhem and catastrophe, gave Americans - and the world - a far fuller sense of what the US government is actually doing abroad?
Bradley Manning, awaiting a court martial in December, faces the prospect of long years in prison. He is charged with violating the Espionage Act of 1917. He has put his sanity and his freedom on the line so that Americans might know what their government has done - and is still doing - globally. He has blown the whistle on criminal violations of US military law. He has exposed the secretive government's pathological over-classification of important public documents.
Here are four compelling reasons why, if he did what the government accuses him of doing, he deserves that medal, not jail time. ... <cont>