Did you also obtain a copy of the mental hospital's conditions for Lamo's release? Medical records are supposed to be confidential but this particular document - not, to my knowledge, covered by the FOIA - has been plastered up and down the internet by appalled hackers, Lamo's former "colleagues".
One of the conditions was that he's being released to his parents, who made themselves legally liable for his behavior, online and off; another was house arrest for 2 months, enforced by GPS; yet another concerned regular visits to a psychiatrist, to be certified in each instance by said doctor; and so on.
You're on extremely thin ice if you choose to ignore facts - undeniable facts, not rumors - that may link his hospitalization etc to his former alleged homosexual lover, Bradley Manning. What does any of this have to do with Assange, not involved in either homosexual affairs or with WIRED magazine?