I'm not a cruise person either, CJane. There's too much I'm avid to explore on land, so I'd feel (I think) stymied in getting to do that. I'm not much of a sailing buff either, even though I've have friends and family very involved in it, and follow farmerman's threads about it. But.... what a bummer for the cruise passengers, especially those it was a special trip for.
I wondered, re reading about a woman with diabetes crying about not getting food, and about those who needed their insulin kept cold. I figure cruise ships will ramp up on how to handle this kind of thing re passenger lists and generators for a pharmacy refrigerator.
On the ranks of the world's disasters this is not much of a speck, but still, for many of those involved, probably including crew, at least at the beginning part before the navy showed up, a bit harrowing.
Human behavior is so interesting, how people get along and cope together, or turn against their fellows. I suppose there will be stories.