I've heard tales (tails). I believe her.
Margo, Mikey is a natural clown too. I don't think a day has gone by that he hasn't made me laugh. Possum and Mikey--separated at birth? Not likely.
Vivien, Behind this adorable face lurks a maniac. Trust me. I'm glad you like the avatar.
Osso, Everything you've heard is true.
Roberta, when I first posted about this Mikey avatar, I really liked it. Now I love it. Such character, such presence, it makes me happy to see his face here.
Osso, I'm smiling. I'm glad you love it. I'm glad it makes you happy. I look at that face every day. I always melt.
dont ya have to just love my new one. ? now lets get these farm animals in a row and drop and give me twenty.
Now that I know it's Mikey the Wonder Cat whose your new avatar, I have to say it's ABSOLUTELY you!!!!
I can't think of Roberta without automatically thinking of your wonderful beastie!
I'm glad you like the avatar, Olga. C'est moi. But Mikey is a Wonder Cat? It's a wonder I haven't wrung his tree trunk of a neck. But he's been good lately. More or less. Relatively speaking. My old wounds are healing.
Love it!
Farmerman's too.