Sun 31 Oct, 2010 08:11 pm
I hate logic. and lo and behold, it has creeped up on me in the form of an ancient greek paper. I was wondering if anyone can help me? I had to take Parmenides' greatest difficulty criticism against the forms and turn it into a logical deduction. I did so in the following way:
For clarity, I will present the logical deduction in simplest form, where X represents earthly things and Y represents the forms.
P1: For each X, there is some Y which is itself by itself.
P2: Y is not contained in X.
P3: X is not contained in Y.
P4: Characters associated with X are in relation to X.
P5: Characters associated with Y are in relation to Y.
P6: Knowledge is a characteristic in relation to that which it belongs.
P7: Knowledge of X is in relation to X.
P8: Knowledge of Y is in relation to Y.
P9: Human beings are of X.
P10: The Gods are of Y.
C1: Human beings cannot know Y.
C2: The Gods cannot know X.