@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
Yes, They do not allow us to use pm's here! Your math is way over my head but your knowledge of many subjects is a interest to me.
If you or anyone else would like to send me a email my email address is
[email protected] You will have to change the b to t and change the 2 t's to b's
Actually, the math is not over anyone's head that went to public school. I have had the same response from college math teachers. People learn simple Algebra in school, by rote, but never learn it as a language. That is what I do, I parallel two languages, Geometry and Algebra. You simply have to learn to say, in the language of Algebra, to what you see (the language of Geometry)--that is one of the reasons I wrote the Delian Quest mainly in those two languages. This concept, that perception, experience, is the foundation of all language is one of Plato's points in Ion--yet scholars have been confused and even embarassed that they do no know why he wrote it.
When this is learned, that one can parallel any Euclidean Figure in Algebraic notation (Descartes developed coordinate system because he could not figure it out), in arithetic notation, it will start to dawn on them that non-Euclidean Geometry has fallen. To discredit Euclidean Geometry, discredits all mathematics.
I was actually shocked to learn that Mathematicians did not know how to do multiplication and division with line against line. I had taken it for granted that they could. It is generally agreed by most (exclude my IQ test) that I am not that bright--so what is going on in the intellectual world?