@Finn dAbuzz,
It's not that the majority of the American people oppose their policies
This is exactly what polling seems to indicate; so why wouldn't anyone believe it?
When polled, for example, on the recent Health Care bill, a narrow majority oppose it. BUT, when asked about individual aspects of the bill, EVERY important aspect enjoys wide margins of support and none of them reach 50% on the 'we want to repeal this part' question. None of them.
Which tells us that there is a gap between people's feelings on this issue and their brains on the issue. One that isn't explained by your narrative...
Then there are other factors, such as this being the first off-year election for a new president (they all lose seats in the House in this period, historically) and the fact that the Dems expanded into dozens of arguably Conservative districts in 2006 and 2008 - which now force them to spread out and play lots of defense to hold, which is tough in a tough environment.
Nothing about the last 2 years has been 'disastrous.' Obama passed several pieces of signature legislation, and despite mutterings from your side, they aren't going to be repealed or de-funded. He's wrapping up the Iraq war on time and he sent more troops to Afghanistan in the way that you and others wanted. I think you are exaggerating slig-- no, you're just talking out your ass, because you are as partisan a right-winger as they come, and the truth is that anger and yelling about things is a more effective tactic for you at this time than a sober examination of the facts.