Sun 3 Oct, 2010 08:36 am
Here is what the median tax payer in the US bought with his tax payment. Note that the "earning $34,140" means after deductions. The median household income is higher than that. The idea of a receipt for taxes is from
The Third Way. They are proposing this idea so that taxpayers know what they actually pay for.
Note that this "receipt" is $2K short of the payment. I don't see standard military expenditures for example.
President / Vice President (Housing, Secret Service, Staffing, Air Force 1. Air Force 2, etc)
Hey, I have an idea. At the end of our tax forms, list the areas of funding and let each person decide how much of what they are paying they want to designate for each area. It would be interesting to see if the stereotypes hold true, ie Dems would fund more towards EPA, public housing, student loans and Republicans would fund military.
Okay, everyone write me in as president in 2012 and I'll put you in charge of the budget.