Is it edible?
not the Ocean, mercury, air, mud, salt - it isn't just made of ONE thing like that.. for example, a book would be vegetable and mineral (possibly even animal if it were leather bound)
Not edible, not. 10.
air and mud aren't made up of one thing...... right? Anyway, this is tricky.
no, true, but I mean you should be thinking of, say, a man-made THING. Just trying to help, but as usual making it more confusing! Btw I am up for scrabble now that I'm bound to the house again!?
I haven't played online-scrabble for at least a year! Maybe after I get caught up on homework (next week). What is making you house-bound?
(being a landlady, cooking for 2 nice foreign men)
No, not pavement, because if you look back you'll see it was partially liquid. Even in the wet west this isn't true. So I won't count pavement.