I just deleted my FB account and I feel free!!

Reply Sat 18 Sep, 2010 02:07 pm
i appreciate FB a lot. It is what you make of it, ultimately.The home page serves as an RSS feed, it really is news feed - i select what news i want to see (dailies, weeklies, non-profits updates). I blocked all the applications I don't want to hear from and people that I want on my contact list but who post too much. Plus, I have found no better substitute for organizing events- nothing is more effective to spread the word around... especially if you're a social activist or organize academic events, it has become invaluable. So, I won't be going away from FB anytime soon, it's crucial for both work and personal purposes (what with close friends dispersed across 3 continents, sigh). but, of course it depends on personality, too. i have zero issue with living my life online, i am not too concerned about privacy, and don't mind whoever seeing my pictures or posts. i simply don't post anything i would mind having seen....but i know many others have a much higher privacy threshold.
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Reply Sun 19 Sep, 2010 06:18 pm
I love those flukey reconnects. Not just with new people but other types of connection. Like, I posted something asking local people about the school dress code (about half my friends live here, and the other half are far-flung). An old friend of mine -- I knew her 1st-6th grade -- made a smart-ass comment that started a digression about the LACK of a dress code at our hippie-dippy school.

I mentioned an antique circus girl outfit I'd grab every opportunity to wear -- lots of sequins, feathers, fringe, awesome but not totally appropriate. I wrote about it very much the way I would here. Then she said "I totally remember that!" and made some comments that proved she did... it was really cool. I'm an only child and so that kind of reminiscence is kind of rare. Really fun anyway.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 19 Sep, 2010 06:25 pm
I think there are two sides to FaceBook; the good and the bad.

The Good: I have been able to get in touch with cousins I would otherwise not have met. I have also been contacted by some people I have traveled with over the years. FaceBook also allowed me to get fans for my travelpod.com travelogues from around the world.

The Bad: Daily interruptions from friends and family who posts on subjects I'm not interested in. Too many requests for their games.

I log onto FaceBook by a Google search, and have the freedom I desire from it.
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Reply Sun 19 Sep, 2010 07:22 pm
One of my "brain enhancement games" was transfered to facebook, so I have
to play it there....(no farmville etc. though)
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Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2010 09:55 am
I blocked all the games. I friend everyone who asks whether I know them in real life or not for the obvious business reasons I stated, but also because I find people interesting. Everyone has an opinion whether I agree with it or not and also a lot of people I meet at my shows who are drunk and yeehawing around always just seem shallow and stupid. Through facebook I learn they are actually interesting people with varied abilities, interests and speak on a wide range of subjects. I think this helps me to become more open minded and respectful of other people and not pre judge them by their weak moments when their hair is down.
Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2010 09:58 am
This is for you bear...

Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2010 06:39 pm
I have seen this before and absolutely love it.... thanks, I am chuckling like crazy. Very Happy
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Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2010 05:00 am
Ceili wrote:

This is for you bear...


OMG that is funking awesome!

"You will have to wait, my friend just went out for a smoke."
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Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2010 02:34 pm
Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2010 02:39 pm
oh.....that one's sad.
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Reply Wed 15 Dec, 2010 09:53 am
probably gonna delete mine this weekend, i just never go, and i always feel bad when i get stuff rom folks and i know i'll never respond

i'm gonna really clean up my twitter too, i started it as a media feed, started following folks who were into the same things, but the real info i want gets lost in their tweets and , i'll still keep the A2K'ers on twitter though
Reply Wed 15 Dec, 2010 10:00 am
done and done, might set up an A2K account
Reply Wed 15 Dec, 2010 02:57 pm
yay deej!
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