Is this a self evident truth for Good and Evil?
In moral terms, the terms Good & Evil are only useful on a graph and are inseparable.
I see that many just look at these terms as opposites or duality.
Black white. Hot cold. Whatever.
It does not matter because, in moral terms, good and evil must be on a graph to be of any use to any discussion of moral issues.
That is why the ancients wrote them into the Bible as the tree of good and evil.
It’s fruit symbolizes that good and evil cannot be separated. One tree, one fruit that gives both good and evil at the same bite.
Evil, used as nouns does not say much of anything useful. For morals, evil as a noun does not stand well alone. If I were to tell you that something good or evil was heading your way, you would not have a clue as to what I speak of.
As adjectives, evil and good are good and useful.
It is what goes between these two adjectives then that is at issue and how and where we place them on the graph.
Ideally, the good and evil line will have a top and a bottom because issues often times have both good and evil within their character and is dependant on circumstances.
Like God for instance.
Basically, if you are arguing good and evil in any other way than described here; you are IMHO, wasting your time.
If you look to God for our moral sense you are also wasting your time because it is to mankind to set the rules of our dominion, not God‘s.
Take either word Good or Evil away from this graph and it loses all meaning.
I think that the above is a self evident truth on how moral good and evil should be thought of.
Do you?
If not, why not?