It is still spasming. I took another muscle relaxer at lunchtime today and laid down to relax and listen to some classical music to de-stress a bit. Next thing I knew I was waking up and wondering where I was and what time it is at 7 pm. That's why I'm now posting at midnight rather than sleeping. :::sigh:::
As far as gardening goes, I'm mostly just trying to keep up with the watering and harvesting. Pulled up a few dead pea plants and tried yanking up some spent corn stalks but can't do that yet. My goal is to do about an hour a day of getting the garden ready for the next crop cycle next week so I can plant seeds and seedlings next weekend.
If I take it slowly with rest breaks rather than trying to do it all at once, I should be okay. Tomorrow I'll be harvesting the first of the purple tomatoes. Never had them before and am interested in how different they might taste.