@ebrown p,
Quote:Is a mask scarier than a sidearm?
What a great question. I know that the guy who held up our store in Tulsa had both, but I was genuinely more afraid of the weapon.
Would I be more or less intimidated by someone stepping out from the shadows of an alley wearing a mask or not wearing a mask? No visible weapon ....... ..
The guy who tried to rob us in Paris had no mask, he merely said, in English "Give me your money!"
I said, very loudly, "Get out of here! Beat it! What the ****'s the matter with you!?"
If he had had a mask on, I don't know what I would have done. I might have acted differently, such is the power of not being able to see who you are dealing with.
But enough about me and masked men.
Me and Masked Men make a great title for a book?)
(Hey. Not that kind of book.)
Quote:The main issue is religious tolerance and combating prejudice.
Which makes it impossible to resolve because no religion is completely tolerant of all others, the best they can do is say 'be good to others but better to those who believe how we do." Religion is a human failing and will remain a drag on progress until such time as it peters out.
Until that time, I make it my duty to treat everyone openly. It's not easy to do that with a woman wearing a burka (burqa). The few I have met have had very few words to say to me.
One thing more than I have to get on with my life.
Societies are made up of volunteers who balance the amount of rights, freedom and power they have with the amount of those rights, freedoms and powers they have to give up in order to be in a particular society.
If my girlfriend and I decide to move to Saudi Arabia, we will buy her some burquas.
(Maybe she will be happier, not having to deal with make-up and style co-ordination, maybe not.)
(I've never figured out why the Islamic men don't veil themselves as well. Ah, well.)
But if we decide to move back and bring with us the lovely couple who lived next door to us in Medina, we will make whatever efforts are needed to help them assimilate here in New York, just as we did over there.
Joe(First, we teach them to say "What the ****'s the matter with you?")Nation