Every time I see the topic "Let's talk about replacing GWBush in 2004", I can't help but "hear" Salt'N'Pepa's song "Let's Talk About Sex" in my head.
Tubular Bells, Mike Oldfield
some new original material, waiting for the muse to **** some sophomoric offensive metal lyrics on my head.......
Nee Nee Na Na Na Na Nu Nu - Dicky Doo And The Donts
i took this to mean the general what are you listening to like "lately" and "constantly in recent weeks" so here goes:
The Decemberists - Her Majesty The Decemberists
Sigur Ros - ()
Pedro The Lion - It's Hard to Find a Friend
Luna - Bewitched
REM - Reveal
Welcome aboard OceanKayaking240
Would God I were the tender apple blossom
That floats and falls from off the twisted bough,
To lie and faint within you silken bosom,
Within your silken bosom as that does now!
Or would I were a little burnish'd apple
For you to pluck me, gliding by so cold,
While sun and shade you robe of lawn will dapple,
Your robe of lawn, and you hair's spun gold.
Yea, would to God I were among the roses
That lean to kiss you as you float between,
While on the lowest branch a bud uncloses,
A bud uncloses, to touch you, queen.
Nay, since you will not love, would I were growing,
A happy daisy, in the garden path;
That so your silver foot might press me going,
Might press me going even unto death.
Traditional old Irish melody.
Watching Titanic and hearing the music that the musicians supposedly played as the ship sank. Anachronism, I think. but I love Londonderry Air.
lol...believe it or not, i've went back in time and i'm listening to "popsicle" by new kids on the block. I know, i'm ashamed of myself. No wonder why you never hear them anymore. This is bad.
Back to basics,
Right now, I'm listening to Sting's "Sacred Love" CD. Mmmmm, really like this!
Fiddler on the Roof
If I were a rich man
I am listening to Bright Eyes. Anybody heard of him? He is a brilliant lyricist. Kind of a tortured Bob Dylan-type. I recommend him highly for people who enjoy acoustic guitar, poetic lyrics and a unique singing style.
Quote:"popsicle" by new kids on the block

Man, I remember that I was a member of their fan club way back when. *shakes head*
But anyways, right now I am listening to Internet Radio "WRIF" out of Detroit, Mi.
The Art of the Bawdy Song, by the Baltimore Consort (hon!).
"Mad World" by Tears For Fears.
On a loop.
Go and get this amazing song. :wink:
The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King