Radiohead - Permanent Daylight
Thanks to Child of the Light, I am listening to my Seattle soundtrack. My favourite song on the album is 'Would'.
I like Heaven Beside You. And if you have Soundgarden, I like Rusty Cage, Spoonman, and tons more. My favorite 2 Seattle bands are Soundgarden and Alice in Chains. I couldn't choose one over the other.
Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire
Someon banging on the floor above me.
Tartini: Concerto in F major
BBC 7 - funnily, playing Garrison Keilor!
Blue Oyster Cults Tyranny and Mutation...the reissue has a live version Of Cities On Flame and man does Eric Bloom suck as a of the Classic orginal metal songs though......
"Ready to Rumble" -- video game coming from upstairs
Check my signature :-)
if you want one go to
System of a Down - Prison Song
I was listening and watching the Cubs game, but they started losing. So i got really
and turned it!
Aaron Copeland "Our Town" Music from the film