panzade wrote:
man, that's obscure stuff. I couldn't even find a wiki listing
I'll tell you what happenend.
I've been listening to a lot of Impressions, and just yesterday I was goofing around at work, reading up on the Chicago soul scene in the 60s and 70s. What do I find? One of the developers here--this is a financial risk consulting firm mind you--this big nerdy, 30-something white dude whose gut regularly hangs out from under his shirt, is apparently
the attache to all things Chicago soul. I mean he's just a freak for this music.
Check it, he does a show on 88.5 WHPK, Sunday nights. It's called Sittin in the Park:
Click on the Music Shows link and you'll find a vault of obscure records. I can't imagine what this dude's vinyl collection looks like.
I'll keep his secret a secret for awhile. But pretty soon I'm going to need him to burn me some CDs.