ib\ve been listening to november rain-guns n roses for like 3 days, the ending just makes me wanna play the air guitar, and thats is exactly what i do.
This song was in my dream last night - I was driving in a car playing it over and over on my mp3 as I drove east going to see a friend. It was playing (in my dream) as I drove past stonehenge on the A303 as the sun rose.
I do love it - lyrics are wonderful- it almost always makes me cry - but I woke up happy from my dream- so I'm listening to it again now.
Don Henley and the Eagles - Forgiveness - Heart of the Matter http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=FLgUuHl2xJo&feature=related
I think I can fill in the blanks- we all have one of those first love experiences, huh?
Here's one of my favorite Joe Cocker covers http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ACr4MX1R2Sc