I'm glad you like it TTH - it's one of my favorites by them- I like the gospel influence.
Ragman - it doesn't get any better than this for me either - I've loved these guys since I heard them back Bob Dylan on Planet Waves and I think I was about fifteen when I heard that. Levon is a force of nature- I think each other THE BAND members individually was incredibly gifted in different ways - and some would say that Robbie Robertson was the star - but although I loved them each - and maybe especially Rick Danko (his voice just touched me - so plaintive) I have to admit I think Levon is the glue that held them together.
He's 68 this week-end. You should try to get tickets - it's not that far from Albany.
Here's some info about Levon and the gatherings in general (I don't know if there are tickets still available to his birthday thing - but he does them throughout the year-just google levonhelm.com)