OH, and Misti,
...How about three o'clock in the morning, Barry White, or Smokey on the box..... who ya' goah' call?

.......... Fido?.........I think not.
Hey Booman, Otis Reddig is definately a Top Man, great voice.
J-Lo he he he or SHE SHE SHE, does she wear a dress or does she wear,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A DRESS
Ray Charles Ya'll!!!.....
The High Priest!!!
..."I'm gonna' move (To the outskirts of town)" - Genius + Soul = Jazz
Ya' got anything by the Right Reverend, OAK?
Booman, Poetry in Motion -------------- your blood is pumpin in the right direction brother, just keep to thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe speed limit and watch out for dangerous curves.
Mr. Charles ? Booman I do believe that "She Who Must Be Obeyed" has a CD tucked away somewhere, but I haven't been allowed near it.
The Guy is a Major Star, great piano, and a special voice
OAK, we gotta' stop this. We've digressed into lechery. What will people thi............................................................ Excuse me. I lost my train of thought, thinking about curves. ...Ya' know, you could sit an apple on top of that........ ENOUGH!

Back to our disscusion fellow abuzzers! We were on politics right?
I'm not sure OAK, but I think there may be laws against hoarding Ray Charles. Religous persecution, malicious deprivation, ...something. Get a lawyer.
lock her in the kitchen and send for THE A TEAM. They are on cable every night,,,,,,, not hard too find.
I think a tiny dose of Mary Poppins might save our hides
(Note to self: Don't tic OAK off.)
"What are you listining to right now?" ..
Atahualpa Yupanqui (.. folklores of Argentina).
Booman === have phun brother, tis time i was in the land of nod, those bloody sheep are here again. catch yer tomorow
"Woodstock" - Canned Heat - 'Goin' Up the Country'
Still in that Peace groove - and praying!
Earth....Wind....& Fire!!
I think I hear the going home whistle! The prettiest sound of the day - yabba dabba doooooooooooo!
I've got the Clash "London Calling" stuck in my head for some reason.
Dixie Chicks- Wide Open Spaces CD.
The Moody Blues - every good boy deserves favour
I've just obtained a copy of Cream's "Wheels of Fire", so I need to listen to it loud and clear.