Blimey. Strewf Booman, you're bi-lingual bruvver. I fink your 'ead, or loaf of bread, is pretty well sorted and on strait. Power to your drinking arm.
Can you do rap with the bothers from the 'hood as well ?
I've got my daughter playing Pearl Jam in the kitchen, but I've got ELO on the PC via headphones. Wife listens to a middle of the road radio station. You know the kinda thing, look both ways before you cross over.
I can't see my previous post. What's going on? I know it's there.....
Now I can see it. Weird. I even flushed my files/cache/etc.
I can here yodeling. That's not you is it Booman. Have you got that Julie Andrews doing The Sound of Music or is it Del Shannon sniffin' round that Swiss Maid again.
OAK, that "Woof Woof" was an homage to your double post.
cjhsa --- thank you. and being a canine all I can say is >>>>.
WOOF WOOF, SNIFF SNIFF. Wanna chew a bone ? It's a real one, not silicone.
Yo,yoh....S'u-up?...Jam-master Boo, in the hiz-ouse...

Ya' know with three grandkids. I gotsta' keep it real, with the hip-hop rap Oakman.
..............................Peace out bro'.
Oh , By the way...I got James Brown on the box, doin' "Prisoner Of Love"
Yeah, i know what you mean OAK,I vowed to never let silicone,go in this mouth..........Oh wait a minute! You said bone. I was thinking about.....nevermind.
You are doing a good trip Booman, struttin' your stuff. I bet the bros down the 'hood don't diss you man. I can't do them words, no matter how often i hear 'em. I'll stick with cockney
Bone eh ? Dog and bone == telephone, over here. usualy shortended to plain simple "dog" . As in "I'll give that chick a bell on the dog and see if she fancies a night out".
These grandkids of your'n , lively bunch are they ?
Oh I've got Robert Johnson on and I've got some James Brown but I think my Trouble and Strife, she who must be obeyed, has purloined it.
Meanwhile the Duchess is on IM and she's gettin' a bit impatient. So I'll catch you again Booman, take care
Booman, you are really trippin' bros. The brothers down the 'hood ain't gonna diss you man. Heck i can't do this jive . I stick to cockney. So how's things in your nec of the concrete jungle. OK i trust. The Duchess tells me you're in show biz, on the stage. You got built in talent. Hey that's good. I bet those grand kids lead you a merry dance. And James Brown, what a guy, great showman. I got some of his stuff but i think my Trouble and Strife has 'alf inched it. Nothing is sacred except her word, which shall be obeyed, at all cost.
Yeah bone ha ha. Dog and bone over here means phone, as in
"I'm just goin' to give the girlfriend a bell on the old dog"
Anyway King Canute couldn't stop the tide and i can't stop the clock.
I'll catch you again Booman
Miles Davis, Love Songs. Mellow, man, mellow.
now where has my last post gone to -- it's vanished gone into melt down.
it keeeps hapening. you post a message and it gets sucked into a dense undergrowth. someone is meddling with nature
We seem to have been in a little rough patch, the last few days.
Yeah OAK, there's never a dull moment with those guys around.
John Coltrane, Afro-Blue Impressions
Okay OAK,
...Your post seems to have found it's way. When I was trying to make a joke a while back, I wasn't centering on the bone part, I was talking about the silicone. "No silicone going in this mouth", That's an R rated gag.
Booman. Hi , I get the silicone gag, I think.
Sunday, a day of rest but it hurtles past.
I found a website for an Aussie band last night. Bloo Moon Swamp
They do blues mainly.
Don't know if they've got a CD out, but their play list is pretty impressive. Some great numbers.
Got a Yardsbirds compilation playing at the moment. Memories are made of this..................................some stand out tracks.
You're right that is an impressive playlist. I imagine they're pretty much, CCR influenced.
Hey Booman, how you doin' man. I found a great CD in my local music shop. Eric Burdon sings the Animals. A re-recording/re--issue. It was on the used shelf and I got it for about $3.20. 17 great trks, inc House of the Rising Sun.