mimidamnit;66484 wrote:being unable at this time to prove that the bible is a work of fiction.. does not make it fact....... all we have to do is wait and see.. you posted that the end times are not far off.. wait and see.. all we can do is argue for or against.. and it's going in circles on all accounts.. you are too deep in your conditioning to see any side but your own.. and of course.. because the "bible" warned you that -people might come to the realization that it's a fantasy-.. but they preach - do not heed them.. for it is falsehood and blasphemy.. they are under the spell of satan- ---WAIT AND SEE CARICO--
[SIZE="5"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]how can u not even for a moment consider the possibility that words put to paper written by the hands of an imperfect man.. translated to millions by imperfect men.. and preached to the multitudes by imperfect men.. might not be [SIZE="7"]ALL[/SIZE] [SIZE="6"]THERE IS?????:dunno::no:

Sorry, but until you read the bible
several times and see how not only
extremely detailed it is about the events it describes which includes genealogies with
not one contradiction, then you won't see that it's
impossible for it to have been written by any human being.
That doesn't even begin to address the overwhelming spiritual significance between the old and the new testament, including, but not limited to,
1) The significance of the Flood as water baptism
2) The significance of God creating the earth out of water, which even scientists are beginning to see
3) the significance of the second sons being favored over the first like Jesus over Adam, Isaac over Ishmael, Jacob over Esau, etc.
4) the significance of Jewish weddings conforming perfectly to our relationship with God
5) The fact that the sons of Ishmael are doing exactly what the bible says they would do
6) The fact that the Jews are persecuted all over the world and have been since they rejected the messiah as God said he would do
7) The fact that God said he would send them no more prophets since Christ which they haven't had
8) The destruction of the temple in 70 a.d. prophesied by Jesus
9) The 7 day creation compared to the 7 day week
10) The 12 disciples judging the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 month year
11) That Genesis says "Let
us make man in
our image" which was written
before Christ walked the earth yet
includes Christ is that phrase
13) The prophesies of the Jews rejecting the messiah and they now reject Jesus
And so many more correlations, they are endless
proves that no fallible human being could have written the bible, much less more than one human being and kept the bible consistent!
So your
unbearable ignorance about what the bible says and most importantly about what it
means and what it reveals to the world makes you look ridiculous. :rolleyes: I'll include the prophesies that have been fulfilled in another post.