@Ares cv,
Ares;66677 wrote:According to MOSES! Moses wrote the Exodus (Exodus 3:1-21) So according to Moses he seen a burning bush which spoke with Gods voice, and it told him stuff that came true... The same thing with the talking donkey. Abraham almost killed his son!!! You need to get a grasp on what the theory of evolution proposes because you're making a fool of your self with these monkeys uncle comments.
Wrong again. The bush didn't speak, God spoke from the bush. God is Spirit, not a tangible finite object.
But again, since you believe that humans are part of the apes family, then you believe in
billions of talking apes. :rollinglaugh:
So a talking donkey shouldn't be a far stretch for you...especially when Fatal freedoms has gone to such lengths trying to prove that animals can talk.
So your comment is a contradiction.