@Fatal Freedoms,
Reply to Fatal Freedoms :
Seer TT: " You want to resort to "All opinions are equal" on a debate forum? "
FF : "No, not at all. I will be the first to say some opinions are much stronger and more eloquent than others. However to say your opinion is fact is utterly ridiculous."
What I reveal on the abortion page is the Truth, and you cannot handle the Forbidden Truths on abortion. Even the simple scientific facts you deny. The reason why you suggested it is "opinion vs opinion" is because you want to back-pedal over certain parts of your argument.
What you mean to say is that you believe all abortions are wrong.
Incorrect. What I said was clear : "Abortions are all murders".
All I have said is that I am against Late-term abortions only.
By stating this, you prove that you cannot either recognise or accept the Forbidden Truths on abortions.
Zygote =/= human child
Simply because you say so and use a ridiclulous symbol to lend legitimacy to your flagging arguments? The Forbidden Truth position was made clear : "Zygotes, embryos, fetuses, babies are ALL human children, and society invents needless and ridiculous labels so it can demonise and de-humanise them. Society does this to give you what you want : the legal right to murder helpless womb-trapped children".
To insist that a zygote is the same thing as an unborn baby is to completely miss everything that makes a child special.
There are differences between the 2. However, this is solely because we are dealing with 2 sepereate stages of development. The very term development is a good one, as it infers the Truth that we are dealing with the same thing.
Only a dogmatic fool would say abortion is a simple subject.
Incorrect. A Seer can easily see the whole issue of abortion, and it is straightforward and crystal clear. Further, inferiors are confused on abortion because they find Truth so hard to see and accept.
In response to Fatal Freedom's claim abortion is contriversial
because it is unclear :
Seer TT : "Then why is the perception of musical taste not as controversial? No, it is contriversial because society is based on lies and myths, and the use of threats of violence, to control the citizen-slaves. However, abortion is such a blatantly obvious lie that some citizen-slaves can't help but see through the outer layers of deceit. However, only the Seer of Forbidden Truth can see through all the layers to the core of the lie....to get the Forbidden Truth. "
Your response : "It is better for people to believe you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
A perfect example of how you do not answer. If abortion is contriversial
because it is unclear, then why do other subjects that are unclear not carry such a heated exhange? FF it is partly because abortion is murdering children and is immoral, and primarily because abortion deals with Forbidden Truth.
FF : "There is a pattern here, whenever I provide an example that renders you point moot, you have to dismiss it as irrelevant."
Seer TT : "But it did not render My point moot. It was just nothing to do with My point. "
Whatever you say Cleopatra, queen of Denial.
Another idiotic response. You make non-sensical responses, you refuse to respond to the point, or you ignore certain Q's altogether. Look at your above claim, then look at the material in the star 'brackets'.
Have you ever been in a REAL debate, ya know with rules and stuff? I have, and I am familiar with most of the logical fallacies that people use.
A) If you understood logic, you would realise that the idea of "real" debates is ridiculous.
B) You cannot fool Me that you simple read a website and use the terms to try and lend yourself legitimacy.
Seer TT : "It CANNOT be special pleading because your answer is nothing to do with what I am suggesting to you. "
I've heard that one before
I am sure someone like you would have heard that plenty of times, because you do not wither understand the terms propoerly, or cannot understand the point your opponent is making.
FF rather poor example , red highlights added:
{Dylan "The
french have never won a
Fatal "What about
French colonialism? The
french conquered the Netherlands during the middle ages."
Dylan "Your answer has nothing to do with what I was suggesting to you."}
Yes, perfectly logical. BUT.... in your example, FF, 'Dylan' and 'Fatal' were both making statements about the french and war. You are making insane statements to attempt and derail concrete scientific test results that do not address the points that I make.
Seer TT: "You try arguing science. Then, when you reveal what a fraud you are, you now say "it is not a scientific matter." What a comedown! "
Science was involved but it isn't a scientific matter. Right and wrong is philosophical issue.
I agree. However, the sp,e of the points themselves were scientific matters, and you have rejected science for belief in the abortion issue.
Seer TT : "Why is being separate indicative of life value in some things and not others? The DNA test proved that the mother and the new lifeform were not part of the same body. "
Proving the DNA is different only proves the DNA is different.
Come on, there are logical conclusions we have to draw from a DNA test. You use such arguments against Carico in other threads. Q : How else can you possibly explain that the DNA is different in the womb-trapped life form (WTLF) and the mother? My conclusion fits all the facts. You position
clashes with the scientific facts. Your suggestions include co-inidence and mutation. Come on, FF, I know you can do better than that.
What about these girls? They share the same body.
So What? What is the point? Stop pretending that you can't understand what "seperate life-form" means. I told you what I mean when I said that "a new entity, a unique life/being". It is in that vein, as I already told you.
You haven't even defined what you mean by "separate" to begin with and you won't accept the dictionary definition so you attempt are all for nothing.
What? I told you what I meant, and it is obvious to anyone with any degree of common sense what i meant due to the context of its use. You keep going back and saying "I can't understand what seperate means" when you can't answer. You know what I mean, and I know you know.
You say by "separate" you're not talking about physically separate, as this would not support your argument.
See? You can do it.
Seer TT : "You choose to answer to only one factor at a time. "
Look at your crazy "hair" and "fingernail" comparisons to a WTLF. YOu use an analogy, you say all these have human DNA. True, but there are other factors. Like common-sense, visual analysis, the fact that the DNA in hair and fingernails has only a fraction of it's DNA active. The fact that a fingernail cannot grow into a new human being.
You narrow the field to having human DNA only, then you apply this single factor to the argument. Then you wonder why I keep posting and telling you to look at all the factors at once.
Errr......did you actually read about the various scientific tests and abortion information I provided links to?
Seer TT : "FF, your plant example is not even an animal, we are talking about human entities in the womb. "
And why would it be the case in animals and not plants?
Plants do not have wombs or abortions, FF. Plants were not a part of the DNA tests. What plants do to reproduce is has no bearing on humans. Whether a WTLF is alive or not is not dependant on the reproductive systems of plants. etc, etc etc etc.......
Do plants operate according to a different standard of Identity and if so, explain why.
Maybe they do. Does not matter. But we can still know that you and I are not the same entity. We know that. FF, face it, there is simply no reason to suggest that the baby is part of the mother's body. Every common-sense, rational and sane argument, every DNA test, everything is telling you that the WTLF is NOT a part of the mother's body.
You position has become that of god-pushers "I put no evidence or proof forward, prove Me wrong or I a right". You are resorting to a quasi-religious belief in what life constitues, one that you cannot prove nor explain.
TRAVIS (out of context): "Clones do not have identical DNA."
FF, that is not the meaning of what I was saying, you took that out of context. You keep getting what YOU would mean by statements....not what the opponent means by them. Ask if you are not sure, do not presume. It IS My position that clones do not have identical DNA, however, I do not suggest that this must be in the DNA sequence itself. We have copy number variation, expression of genes. Life being life, we all mutate, all face deasese, we all are all unique even if the DNA seq is the same.
You are such a liar!
I am not lying to you. You just mis-understand what My points are, then you do not ask for clarification.
I will respond to the rest of this later, i have to go for now...
POST any abortion argument to the "abortion?" thread in future. We are getting off topic.
I am STILL waiting for a reply to My post #40 on this thread. Perhaps if you want to continue on this thread, we should take things from there, in a new thread, or this one.