Post review By Seer Travis Truman:
FatalFreedoms in blue
GentleDove in Red
How did a higher-functioning brain come from a lower functioning brain?
Natural selection.
GentleDove, FF is correct in that Natural Selection explains how a more cogntive-advaced brain can develop from a less advanced one.
The Truth that the brain of any creature can and does develop a higher cognitive state, due to natural selection.
More advanced things come from more basic ones all the time. In an athlete, for example, more developed and fit muscles can come from weaker and less developed ones.
We have the fact. But we do not have the Forbidden Truth on this matter. That requires further examination of the elements FF missed.
Although FF is correct that a brain can, and does, become more advanced due to evolution, he has missed one crucial point. That is the Truth that the human brain has devolved and rotted. It is going backwards. Although the cognitive capacity is increasing, the Truth-accepting and psychological stability of the human brain is decreasing.
Animals actually have improving brain function. Human brain function does not improve and is not subject to natural selection.
In other words, how did (non-physical) information for (non-physical) “rationality” get added and encoded in our (physical) DNA?
It didn't. As I said Rationality is a product of higher brain function.
Human ratioality is faulty and the product of lower brain function. However, FF is correct in what he meant. Using an animal brain as an example : What FF correctly expresses is that the natural selection (per evolution) made higher brain functioning a reality for animals. The newly evolved, higher-functioning brains were able to do better at solving various problems etc.
“Need to cooperate” sounds more like an example of “morality,” than a cause for morality.
But it isn't. It is demonstrablely true that morality exists for the preservation of social structures.
This is correct. Societal leaders of human society have INVENTED this morality to preserve thier insane and illegitimate societal structures. However, those human soietal structures have no legitimacy.
FF :The tool of our survival.
Incorrect. Animals survive without morality. Human society will probably end in the self-extinction of the humans species due to war, spread of desease via transport etc. etc.
How do we know that the people who do not see a “need to cooperate,” such as sociopaths, do not have the "right" view?
An excellent thought. The correct answer is that the sociopath actually DO have the right (or Truth-based) legitimate view, and society has the illegitimate lie-based view.
I could ask you the same thing.
So what if a society collapses?
All sane and rational human beings would celebrate.
Well if a society without morality collapses, the society won't be around to propagate it's lack of morality.
I am asking, how did we come to think that “society” “should not” collapse?
This is profound. Excellent thought. The Forbidden Truth is that society should collapse, and indeed does deserve to collapse. The reason so many think otherwise is because they have had lies drumed into them by thier self-serving society.
Because it is in all of our best interests that society doesn't collapse.
No, it is not. That is 100% incorrect.
*************SPECIAL POST***************
GentelDove, I have detected that you have indicated some signs, albeit negative ones also, of being a potential Seer of Forbidden Truth.
Please visit
The Manifesto of Forbidden Truth: A devastating dissection of the evil and insane societal myths, lies, rituals, and perversions of early 21st century humanity. if you would.
*************SPECIAL POST***************
But wolves do kill each other. (Humans postulate that they might be killing for rank; or the young, old or sick; etc.). Why does “wolf society” not hold the killer wolf morally culpable for his actions, despite the “societal” need to cooperate?
Excellent. That is because human society is sick, lie-based, perverted and deranged. Wolf-society is sane, rational, Truth-based and Superior.
Because a strong pack leader has the ability to preserve the lives of all pack members. They do not kill senselessly, if they did their pack would not last very long.
Wolves are Superior life-forms. All the decisions they make are for Truth-based sane rational purpose. But, FF, you did not answer the core question asked of you.
Wolves, like all animals, operate on instinct. "What is" is just the way it is. There is no "should"--or morality--in a wolf-world, despite the fact that they are "social" animals.
100% correct. The version of "morailty" society uses, promotes and defines does not exist in wolf society.
Of course there is, they operate according to their own rules, even as primitive and bloodthirsty as piranha are they "shall not kill" eachother.
They have no "thou shalt not kill" rule. You just answered a post where you admitted they do. Probably accidently, but they do not asnwer to morilty.. What is, is. The reason why they generally dont kill each other is that there would be no motivation to do so, and no increase in survival chances.
Why, without God, “should” we morally value a “need to cooperate” or value the “continuation of society?”
There is no rational, sane and sensible reason why.
Because our very existence and well-being depends on it.
Wrong. Modern society has killed and threatened our survival more than any other non-human imposed condition threatens to wipe out any other race of simular number in the wild.
Why “should” we view life of value in and of itself
We don't. Few people value the life of a house fly or a spider. Few people value the life of a murderer. there is a reason for this.
Yes there is a reason people like you think this way, FF, because you are an insane and warped product of human society. The Truth is that every animal has respect for life, especially it's own. It does not (unlike humans) go around killing other species or its own kind like humans do.
if morality does not exist in the first place and had to come into being at some (unknown) point in the evolutionary process?
Morality exists because it must.
How very convient for your argument.