Reply to Fatal Freedoms
Okay so I will have to revise...Statement Travis thinks is supported by strong evidence = fact?
See, the Forbidden Truth IS. It does NOT come from facts. It is just I can see it, and I can know it. I can explain it, and support it with facts, as using methods as I listed above. But that does not "make" it the Truth per se, in the sense that it is created or is and solely an intellectual matter. But I cannot really explain this to you either, because you cannot accept the Truth.
As already stated, a wild tiger is Superior, and lives a life based on Truth 24/7. Does it intellectualise at all to do this? No. It is just so, and the tiger knows it. The explanation is just that....You could say that the Forbidden Truth is the LACK of something artificial made by society ie - the lie and the artificial mental states of virtually all humans. The Forbidden Truth is not something that is "worked out" like you think it is.
Furthermore I will say that you don't really know what a fact is, at least not in a scientific context.
I am not using My word definitions according to any context invented by society.
.....You are not scientifically or historically adept enough to be aware of ALL of the evidence, both for and against much of anything for your labeling to have any relevancy to reality at all.
I dont claim to be aware of everything, though. Since it is society that claims the lies, myths etc it is society that is technically making the claims. If you want to call nature and reality false over the insane cliams made by societies, what can I do? I only have to point out one impossibility in each societal claim to know it is a lie. If it is a lie, I know that society tells lies. That allowed Me to see the Truth that society has told a lie. It goes that way around.
Even I am not quick to call things facts.
Even you?
Unfalisfiable position and matters of perspective also cannot be facts such as the abortion debate,
You "lost" that debate to Me. I suspect you can see that by now. Abortion is murder, and those murders are sponsered by society. That is the Truth, and it is obviously so to anyone with sane brain function (ie very few humans).
How can you or the law can claim that serially murdering humans (lets use Ted Bundy) is immoral or wrong if as you say : "all moral codes are unfalsifiable and based on a priori"???? Bet you can't get out of that one.
Seer Travis Truman, you are a lie. You are a giver deceit and 1/2 truths. You are, if social definitions are to be used, evil. You violate logic and natural law. You are a lie, Seer Travis Truman and thus are irrelevant.
Why reply then? :dunno:
Perhaps you can go to My thread and take the challenge of facing Me. Lets see you prove your society's claims.
Society is 'evil' (no such thing truly exists), I don't desire to defend it. As for challenge you, I do so now. Don't hide behind you're falseness, battle me here and now for all to see.
I travel down the Path of Light and Chaos Which is Good toward the Ultimate Truth, you travel down the Path of Darkness and False Order toward ignorance and Chaos Which is Bad.
Perhaps I will reach my destination and achieve enlightenment, perhaps not. Regardless I will be closer to the Ultimate Truth.
Reply to Fatal Freedoms
This whole business about forbidden truths is invented by you, it's complete nonsense.
No, it is the Forbidden Truth that I know for a fact fills you will fear. You hate the Truth, you spend your life living a lie because your reject the Truth.
Previously from Seer Travis Truman :
As already stated, a wild tiger is Superior, and lives a life based on Truth 24/7. Does it intellectualise at all to do this? No.
um... yeah because tigers are really capable of intellectual contemplation.
My answer never suggested otherwise, inferior human. Tigers don't need intellectual contemplation ability to live a life based on Truth.
You live a lie and you have these abilities (although I am not so sure).
No, it seems you have a nasty habit of inventing your own definitions when it suits you.
And who "invented" the definitions from your precious dictionary?
Your dictionary is lie-based. Mne is Truth-based,
A lie implies intent.
The societal leaders have the intent. However, this is a moot point.
The idea of an intent being required is wrong.
This is yet another lie of you lie-based society, using the dictionary as a brainwashing tool.
Modesty is something that evades you.
This is correct. I take this complement.
Is there any debate in particular that you think you lost?
Its not a matter of thinking, It is a matter of knowing that I have never lost on conflicting views.
Previously from Seer TT : "How can you or the law can claim that serially murdering humans (lets use Ted Bundy) is immoral or wrong if as you say : "all moral codes are unfalsifiable and based on a priori"???? Bet you can't get out of that one."
Fantastic. Another Carico Job. HELLO David!
Can you hear Me? I am not going to "battle you" here and now. WHY? Because this thread is not on that subject.
I have a thread for . Go there.
Where do i say that society is evil? I dont recall ever saying that. You get Me that quote!
"Evil", as long as the mythical definition is not used, is not problem.
What is a Truth-based definition of evil? :
"(A society or societally-approved social organisation) that promotes any toxic, insane and irrational teachings, doctorines, structures and myths."
Reply to David.
OK. So you conceed. Only petty humans refuse to conceed errors. So, I'll give you that.
Much of what society teaches, while not truth, can be useful for finding the Ultimate Truth.
As long as you realise that Truth can never come from lies. Any "Truth" that is founded on a lie, no matter how small and insignificant, is only a lie itself. So Truth can never be based on a lie.
The Truth must be 100% pure of all lies in order for it to be the Truth.
Forbidden Truth refers to Truths that are against the fabric and core of society.
The existence of a god creature/reincarnation etc are all inferior, lie-based belief-systems. These are all lies. Further, any conclusion that is even tainted by these lies also becomes a lie - no matter how factually correct the rest of the information may be.
Reply to Fatal Freedoms
Is that so? I didn't realize you could read my mind. You aren't capable of discerning any "fact" about a person over the internet, for all you know I could be saying things i don't believe for the heck of it.
But maybe My claim was for the heck of it, too.
Truth is reality. We all live in reality, so i would say we all live a life of truth, even if we don't want to recognize certain actualities.
Only a Truth-hating inferior would say that.
Your whole life is based on lies. You dont live a life based on Truth and reality. You dont even face the Truth on abortion, man!
We dont all live in reality. Does Carico live in reality? Of course not.
Do I live a lie? How would you know?
By your inferior, Truth-hating answers.
Seer TT : "And who "invented" the definitions from your precious dictionary? "
Then what gives Webster such an authority to tell us what to think and how to define our terms? You? The dictionary?
Seer TT : "Your dictionary is lie-based. Mine is Truth-based, "
You don't have a dictionary, you just make up things as you go.
My dictionary is in My head, so I dont have a book. I dont need a book, My memory is just fine.
Previous Seer TT : The idea of an intent being required is wrong.
Is it a lie to express reality as you see it?
If that reality is based on lies, then yes.
Thank you for proving my point.
You have proven nothing to Me but your inability to recognise and handle any significant amounts of Forbidden Truth.
Do you suggest it isn't?
What I suggest was not the question. You made the statement, not Me. I made the question. I am asking you to answer. We both know you are ducking.
Any why should his "best interest" take priority over everyone else's?
That was not the Question. Whether Bundy's intrests should or should not take priority is irrelevant. You ask a Q to try avoid one you cannot answer.
Q: Is Bundy's serial killer actions immoral or wrong? If yes, how can you say that if : "all moral codes are unfalsifiable and based on a priori"????"
There is no 'Forbidden' Truth for truth can't be forbidden.
The Forbidden Truth is forbidden by society. Not all Truth is Forbidden Truth, as I state over and over again.
The manner of which it is Forbidden is by the societal conditioning. Your brain is warped and distorted from its natural functioning. You cannot accept and recognise the Truth. It is not a matter of intellect and failure to follow logic.
Some may wish to hide it but liars contradict themselves,
Correct. Such as the endless stream of contradictions that all religious inferiors cling to.
evidence emerges, knowers of truth reveal the truth, ect. All truth can be known and once known, can always be known.
Potentially, yes. Actually, no.
And yes, a non-truth can be used to find the Ultimate Truth, for not all non-truths are lies, metaphors, parables, ect. come to mind.
You think that a non-truth is not a lie? The Truth is 100% pure, there can be no degrees of Truth. That what is not the Truth is just a lie.
To deny this is to deny the Path of Light and Chaos Which is Good. To deny the Path of Light and Chaos Which is Good is to be a giver of deceit. The truth can't be hidden nore is there only 1 way of discovering the truth.
What you fail to realise is that you do not know the Truth. You know lies, obvious lies, that you psychologically need to cling to to run from the realities of your own existance.
FF : "for all you know I could be saying things i don't believe for the heck of it."
Seer TT : "Maybe."
Maybe? Did travis admit that something he thought was a forbidden truth might not be?
You typing in bogus answers for "the heck of it" does NOT qualify as a Forbidden Truth matter. I did not say that the Forbidden Truth was maybe, because your claims that your answers on this website may be bogus is not a Forbidden Truth.
Another abuse of the forum system. Just like the latest on the "abortion?" page. Check out post #65, folks.
The fact is only an inferior would type in repeated bogus answers. So even IF your answers are bogus and "for the heck of it", that would ALSO prove that your answers (even though not representative of your opinions) are the work of an inferior.
Reply to FF:
"And since it's you that have your own special definition of what constitutes "inferior" you can make it mean anything that you want it to mean, but of course I'm not obliged to agree with your own made up definitions."
The meaning of the term inferior is constant. The Truth-based definition of
an inferior is :
A human who does not recognise or otherwise rejects the Forbidden Truth.
A Seer is :
a human who is very highly knowledgable in the Forbidden Truth.
A Superior is the same as a Seer, except it also suggests that the individual has control of his own life-path and Superiority over his society.
The real top-level Superior is always in control of his situation, that is why he is Superior.
Can you show me that this so-called "forbidden truth" is an objective reality, that it is concrete unchanging and not limited to perception or personal bias?